Friday, September 13, 2013

Regarding amendment to the constitution of IRPOF - Subba Rao

The Secretary General,
IRPOF, NEW DELHI.                                Dated : 12-08-2013


I understand that it is proposed to amend the constitution of IRPOF and suggestions are invited. I take privilege to offer my views on the subject, as former President of IRPOF considering it as a duty and right to express my views..

1. The entire issue of amendment to the constitution appears to have arisen only on account of a proposal to create the post of an ADVISER/PATRON.

2. If it is considered that retired officers can also be members of IRPOF, and can hold the posts such as adviser, then an exhaustive list of the retired officers on Indian Railways has to be made out which needs regular updating.

3. If a post of ADVISER or any other post is created for choosing a retired officer, then equal opportunity is to be afforded to all the retired officers and elections are to be held by calling for the nominations. This will be in all fairness and a democratic process. There are several retired officers to offer their services.

4. Constitution can be amended and posts can be created depending on the necessity and usefulness to the IRPOF and cannot be created only to accommodate some persons of choice. I am afraid, the leadership will be at the risk of attribution of motives in such nominations.

5. The retired officers, who are really interested in the federation, can make their valuable contributions from outside also to strengthen the organization with their rich past experience and not necessarily by holding any post of office and benefit/profit.

6. Such induction of retired officers is likely to create further demands of facilities and privileges to them. Can they be considered and acceded?

7. Who will be responsible for the actions of the retired officers in their working? It is always possible that the retired officers can create problems as they are no longer bound by any constraints compared to the serving officers.

8. The Railway might not accept any induction of Retired officers as ordinary members or committee members, whatever be our constitution, since the rules for recognition are very clear. We cannot also afford to send wrong signals to the Railway about bankruptcy of leadership for leading the federation by sending proposal to induct retired officers as office bearers. We cannot compare with the AIRF or NFIR about this aspect.

9. If a retired officer is given any post, he might feel it convenient to stick to it for the lifetime as in the case of other federations.

10. Our problems are many. Should we really bother about these unwanted issues to assume importance only for diversion of our time and resources?

11. The mute question needing an answer is what is the interest of retired officer to hold a post in the IRPOF after his retirement? It might be hard to conclude that it is only a service to the IRPOF.

12. From my part I am serving the federation by not interfering with its activities. I have also curtailed my attendance for any meetings in spite of gracious invitation from IRPOF (thanks to Sri Jitendra Singh and Sri J. P. Singh) as I had spent lot of personal money during my tenure as President and also after retirement to attend the meetings at personal expense which I can no longer afford. I did not have the privilege to be considered for attending the meeting at IRPOF’s expense like few other favorites. I was unable to digest the present proposal and therefore was tempted to write this, irrespective of how it is taken and not very concerned about any adverse reactions.

13. I would like to conclude that there should not be any proposal to offer any post whatsoever to any retired officer and there is no need for any amendment of the constitution about this. In fact, there should a ban on the Zonal Railways in continuing the services of retired officers under some pretext or the other. The members of IRPOF were very decisive and had totally turned down some proposals in the past to continue the General Secretary after retirement. Let better senses prevail.

Yours sincerely,

P. V. Subba Rao

Street # 3,Lane # 1,Tarnaka,
Ph. 040-27002128, Mo. 098490 28875.

71, Panduranga Nagar,
OFF Bannerughatta Road,
Mo. 09849028875, 081978 37802, Ph. 

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