Friday, September 13, 2013


Dear all,

While I endorse the views expressed by Sh. Subba Rao, 100%.  I remember my words at Gorakhpur, when for the first time the question of changing constitution was raised. In fact the constitution was changed and Sh. Hasan was choosen for the same. Sh. Hasan’s name was published in the Rly Bd. Directory as Advisor and he continued to designate himself as such till he was ignored by  the then SG. He  even attended the first formal meeting as Advisor but his friends in the Rly Board. Advised him that it is not taken as correct. My saying at the meeting was that there is no need of formal Advisor, because in my view every retired person is an Advisor.

I am surprised to note  that a person responsible for denigrading the elders – who openely boasted that we don’t need any advise from old people is now instigating the people to change the constitution for nominating himself as Advisor. I don’t understand that how it can be written in the constitution for making a post for the ex. SG. During this period he saw to it that no retired person is given respect. (Except ofcourse Sh. S.K.Khanna perhaps).

First of all he did not invite at all the respected person or if he did not invite them with dignity. If at all invitation was given, it was always through letters and even that to reach to them very late knowingly. What is specifically can be said , the invitation always mentioned ‘ invited to attend open session only” not the AGM. (It was only at his farewell  that formal invitation was extended with oral invitation in advance). Do you know the unanimous decision of Sh Hasan being elected as Advisor was never advised to Railway Board and was not made a part of modified constitution.. I reveal here that there was a remark by somebody  very important person, that these old gaurds do come in the Federation office for TEA only.

After that Sh. Hasan used to spend for his meals himself and my self avoided taking tea etc. as far as possible without being terse..

I said at GKP that there is no need of formal Advisor, as that will limit the choice of SG/Federation to take advise only from one person. In fact during our times we showed the atmost respect for every retired office bearer of the Federation more that our own elders. These person who served the Federation/ general masses - in fact don’t need any post , what they actually need respect, love and affection and they will give you anything what you need in return.

You may  or may not agree with their advice  but at least give them due opportunity to give their views which will always benefit you all. We always ensured that all important elders are invited at all our meetings ,functions even at Dharnas and other protests. We gave them importance such as Chief editor of PROP or head of the constution modification or Memorandum preparation etc.etc. I am not able to express my anguise in proper words, but I am sorry to say that all our activities during last few years just indicate that we have just forgetton to reaspect our seniors and all those who have made many sacrifices to make peoples life prosperous and easy.

At the last , I am not able to understand that this vision comes to SGs at the time of their retirements or after that. Why not when the constitution was  modified many times in between .  If all the coctitution is to be modified that must be modified and only one line resolution should be there that the constition exiting before last 4-5 changes is restored.

I beg to be excused if my sentiments hurt any body, but unfortunately I cannot contain myself when I find that a fouram which can only prosper with having love, affection and respect for every senior or even junior, is being damaged.
S. K. Bansal
Former President/IRPOF

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